Everything You Need to Know About Your Vagina
At first glance, your vagina is a wonderful, magical, mysterious place, but where there are mysteries, there are unanswered questions. Ideally, you'd know it inside and out, but that's not always the case. With that in mind, these are the crucial facts about how your vagina functions, how to keep it healthy, and how to increase the amount of bliss it brings you.
1. It's just one part of your down-there region. Most of us use the word "vagina" to refer to our private parts. But technically, the term describes only the narrow canal that runs inside your body from the vulva (the visible area that includes the inner and outer labia, clitoris, and perineum) to the cervix (the lower portion of the uterus).
2. Vaginas generally look alike ... On the inside, that is. What does vary is the vulva. Dr. Karen E. Boyle of Chesapeake Urology Associates says, "Clitoral width is generally anywhere from 2.5 to 4.5 millimeters. I've examined women with a clitoral length of 0.5 inches all the way to over 2 inches, and studies confirm this variability. There is not just one size that's normal." The outer labia can also vary in terms of being barely there or a few inches long, and the inner labia (which are reminiscent of butterfly wings) might be hidden or hang past the outer lips. Most women's labia aren't perfectly symmetrical — one side is usually bigger than the other.
3. The surrounding area often can be different colors. The shade of your southern region isn't necessarily related to the tone of the rest of your skin. Many light-skinned women have brown or purplish labia, while a darker-skinned woman can have a lighter vulva. You also can have different colors in different areas — for example, your labia could be on the darker side yet your perineum could be pale pink.
4. Its walls are pleated. Usually, the walls of the vagina lie compressed against each other. But when they need to open — to accommodate a tampon or penis — the sides separate and widen, kind of like the way an umbrella opens or a pleated skirt unfolds. The vagina typically swells from half an inch wide to 2 inches wide. And it can get even bigger — after all, a baby might have to pass through it.
5. Relax — a well-hung guy won't stretch it out. As explained above, is incredibly elastic and can fit a supersize penis — yet it always returns to its usual tightness after sex. But it might be a different story once you pop out a baby, according to some moms. You can tighten up by doing certain exercises (see no. 7).
6. Nor will it "revirginize" if you go through a long dry spell. There's a rumor out there that if you find yourself in a no-booty bout, your vagina will become so tight that getting back in the saddle will hurt. While your vaginal muscles may be tense at first, penetration shouldn't be painful.
7. It benefits from regular exercise. Just as working your biceps firms up your arms, working your pubococcygeus muscle — a main muscle of your pubic region — can tone up your vag. Besides giving you a tighter grip during sex, it also may make it easier to climax. Here's how to exercise your V: Clamp down as if you're stopping your urine flow, hold for 10 seconds, then release. Do two sets of 10 to 20 reps a day; you'll notice a difference in about a month.
8. It's teeming with bacteria. Don't get grossed out — they're the kind that keep bad microorganisms in check so you don't get an infection. One of the good bacteria is lactobacilli, also found in yogurt, so it's nothing to be scared of.
9. It's self-cleaning. No need to douche or wash the inside — it cleans itself with discharge (yep, that stuff has a function). The secretions flush out cells from the vaginal wall, excess water, and bacteria. The only washing it needs is on the outside between the labial folds and along the perineum (use a mild, scent-free soap).
10. If your vagina is in pain, these are two major causes. Vaginismus, which causes the vaginal muscles to contract involuntarily, can make it difficult or impossible to have sex, use a tampon, even undergo a gyno exam. It can be treated via physical therapy or counseling, but often gets worse before it gets better because women who have it stress out so much wondering what's going on before checking in with their gyno. The other possibility is vulvodynia, which is characterized by vulva pain, stinging, or sensitivity so intense that direct touch is hard to bear. There are no visible signs, and it's often diagnosed after gynos rule out other conditions, such as a bad yeast infection. Antidepressants can often help lessen the pain. Either way, see your doctor to find out what's really going on
11. Its smell gets stronger during your cycle. Speaking of scent, every vagina has one. It tends to be acidic before your period and pungent afterward. Your scent also may be more noticeable post-workout, because of sweat glands, and during sex, thanks to the natural lubrication you produce. Dr. Boyle says that "having a slight scent to your vagina is normal, but when the odor becomes strong or unpleasant, or is accompanied with a discharge, it's time to see the doctor."
12. Getting it on does it good. Dr. Boyle says that having regular sex and orgasms can actually help reduce your stress and anxiety. She explains: "Having an orgasm increases estrogen, which increases oxytocin release, which in turn reduces cortisol production (which is the main stress hormone)." So relax and have an orgasm, or have an orgasm and relax. Either one.
13. But too much sex can throw it out of whack. While regular action can relax you, too much in a short period of time may leave you chafed or with a urinary-tract infection. Fortunately, peeing post-sex can keep a UTI at bay.
14. Discharge changes throughout your cycle. Your vag produces more discharge — up to 2 teaspoons a day — during ovulation, and it tends to be thinner and clearer at this time. Before your flow, it's creamier and thicker. Dr. Boyle says, "The change in your discharge during ovulation is designed to create a hospitable environment for the sperm to travel up to the egg." If it ever itches, burns, stinks, or looks like cottage cheese, see your gyno.
15. Things can't get lost up there. Your vagina is not a black hole. It's impossible for anything (like a tampon) to escape into your uterus — the cervix blocks off access. But a tampon can slip out of reach. If one does, fish it out while squatting and bearing down. If that doesn't work, make an appointment with your gyno, who will pluck out the tampon quickly and painlessly. Note: Leave the food products near your vagina to the sex scenes in rom-coms. The sugar can lead to an infection.
16. Your clitoris can actually get a boner when you're turned on. According to Dr. Laurence Orbuch, director of GYN Laparoscopic Associates and the co-director of Gynecologic Robotic Surgery at The Beth Israel Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, when you're turned on, your clitoris becomes engorged with blood. The size obviously varies person-to-person and it's probably not super noticeable, but it happens!
17. Your vagina can actually double in size when you're turned on. Dr. Orbuch says women's vaginas can vary in size and shape when they're aroused, but it's totally possible for it to double in size due to something called tenting, which causes expansion of the upper two-thirds of the vagina. Basically, tenting is thought to help the movement of sperm up into the cervix for conception.
18. There are way more nerve-endings on your clitoris than there are on the penis. Dr. Orbuch says there are 8,000 sensory nerve endings in the clitoris, while the penis only has 4,000. That would also explain why a clitoral orgasm is therefore generally far more intense than male orgasm.
19. Your vagina is like a fine wine. No, really. Orbuch says the normal vaginal pH for vaginas is 3.8 to 4.5 and most wines' pH fall around 3.0 or 4.0; about 3.0 to 3.4 is desirable for white wines, while about 3.3 to 3.6 is best for reds. Feel free to relay this to the next guy who doesn't want to go down on you (before showing him the door because nope!)
20. Vagina surgery is crazy-expensive and you probably don't need it. Various vagina surgeries range from the G-shot (a collagen or filler injection designed to increase the size of the much-debated G-spot area) at around $1,500 to vaginal rejuvenation at around $7,000. These surgeries are hardly ever covered by insurance and are largely unnecessary unless you have an actual medical condition causing you actual medical problems
types of vaginas, bumps on vagina, how to clean the vagina
types of vaginas, bumps on vagina, how to clean the vagina
The vagina is designed to keep itself clean with the help of natural secretions (discharge). Find out how to help your vagina keep clean and healthy – and why you don't need douches or vaginal wipes.
The vagina is a tube of muscle inside a woman's body that runs from the cervix (the opening of the womb) to the vaginal opening. The external sex organs, which are called the vulva, surround the vaginal opening.
Looking after your everyday health can help keep your vagina in good shape, says Dr Suzy Elneil, consultant in urogynaecology at University College Hospital, London, and spokesperson for Wellbeing of Women.
"Generally, good vaginal health is maintained by making sure you're in good general health," she explains. "This includes a healthy diet and exercise. Normal exercise helps maintain good vaginal function, as walking and running helps the pelvic floor to tone up and ensure good general health."
Find out more about having a healthy diet, exercise and keeping fit, and pelvic floor exercises.
Vaginal secretions or discharge
Other than your period as part of your natural menstrual cycle, it's normal to produce clear or white secretions (discharge) from your vagina. This mucus is produced naturally from the neck of the womb, known as the cervix.
"Vaginal discharge is not 'always a bad sign'," says Dr Elneil. "There is a myth that copious clear or white discharge is associated with sexually transmitted infections. Changes in the amount of discharge can be 100% hormonal – in other words, linked to the menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause."
The character and amount of vaginal discharge varies throughout your menstrual cycle. Around the time your ovary releases an egg (ovulation), your discharge usually becomes thicker and stretchy, like raw egg white.
Healthy discharge doesn't have a strong smell or colour. You may feel an uncomfortable wetness, but you shouldn't have any itching or soreness around your vagina.
If there are any changes to your discharge that aren't normal for you, such as a change in colour or if it starts to smell or itch, see your GP as you might have an infection.
Find out more about vaginal discharge, pregnancy and the menopause.
Bacteria in the vagina
There are lots of bacteria inside the vagina, and they're there to protect it. Professor Ronnie Lamont, spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, says: "The vagina contains more bacteria than anywhere else in the body after the bowel, but the bacteria are there for a reason."
The good bacteria inside the vagina:
- provide "numerical dominance" – they outnumber other potential harmful bacteria that might enter the vagina
- help keep the vagina's pH balance (how acidic the vagina is) at an even level, which helps keep the balance of bacteria healthy
- can produce bacteriocins (naturally occurring antibiotics) to reduce or kill other bacteria entering the vagina
- produce a substance that stops invading bacteria sticking to the vagina walls, which prevents bacteria invading the tissues
If the balance of bacteria is disturbed, this can lead to infection and inflammation. Bacteria called lactobacilli help keep the vagina's pH balance at its normal low level (less than pH 4.5), which also prevents the growth of other organisms.
If the pH of the vagina increases – it gets less acidic – the quality or amount of lactobacilli can fall and other bacteria can multiply. This can result in infections such as bacterial vaginosis or thrush, which can cause symptoms including itching, irritation and abnormal discharge.
Washing your vagina
It's a good idea to avoid perfumed soaps, gels and antiseptics as these can affect the healthy balance of bacteria and pH levels in the vagina and cause irritation.
Use plain, unperfumed soaps to wash the area around the vagina (the vulva) gently every day. The vagina will clean itself inside your body with natural vaginal secretions (discharge).
"During your period, washing more than once a day may be helpful," says Dr Elneil, who points out that keeping the perineal area between the vagina and anus clean is important, too. "Good perineal hygiene is necessary by washing that area at least once a day using your normal bathing routines."
"All women are different," says Professor Lamont. "Some may wash with perfumed soap and not notice any problems. But if a woman has vulval irritation or symptoms, one of the first things you can do is use non-allergenic, plain soaps to see if that helps."
Vaginal douches
A douche flushes water up into the vagina, clearing out vaginal secretions. Some women use a douche to "clean" the vagina, but using a douche can disrupt the normal vaginal bacteria, so it isn't recommended that you use one.
"I can't think of any circumstances where douches are helpful, because all they do is wash out everything that's in the vagina, including all the healthy bacteria," explains Professor Lamont.
There is no evidence douching protects against STIs or vaginal infections, and it may even increase the risk.
Scented wipes and vaginal deodorants
These perfumed products can disrupt the vagina's healthy natural balance. "If nature had intended the vagina to smell like roses or lavender, it would have made the vagina smell like roses or lavender," says Professor Lamont.
Washing with water and a plain soap should be all you need to keep your vagina healthy. It's normal for the vagina to have a scent. "Vaginal odour can change at different times of the reproductive cycle and shouldn't always be thought of as being a sign of infection or illness," says Dr Elneil.
If you're worried about the way your vagina smells, the smell is unpleasant, or you're using perfumed products to cover up your vagina's smell, you should see your GP. You might have an infection that needs treatment.
The most common cause of unusual vaginal discharge is bacterial vaginosis, which can cause an unpleasant smell. It's easily treated with antibiotics, so see your GP if you're worried.
Find out more about symptoms of bacterial vaginosis, symptoms of thrush, and symptoms that could signal a sexually transmitted infection.
Safer sex
Some bacteria and viruses can get into the vagina during sex. These include the bugs that cause chlamydia, gonorrhoea, genital herpes, genital warts, syphilis and HIV. You can protect your vagina against these infections by using a condom every time you have sex.
Find out some tips about using condoms.
Cervical screening
All women aged from 25 to 64 are invited for cervical screening. Being screened regularly means any abnormal changes in the cervix can be identified early on and, if necessary, treated to stop cancer developing.
Find out more about cervical screening.
vagina pictures
During pregnancy, the cervix produces increased vaginal discharge as a method of protecting the womb from infections that could potentially enter through the vagina. As a pregnant female approaches delivery, the positioning of the baby’s head often adds increased pressure onto the cervix, which can cause increased discharge and the frequent sensation or urge to urinate. In the final week of pregnancy, vaginal discharge may also contain some thick mucus and traces of blood due to a gradual breakdown of the cervical mucus plug, which is an accumulation of thick mucus that blocks off the cervix during pregnancy. This breakdown is a natural sign that the body is preparing to give birth soon. Although a small quantity of blood during pregnancy is
usually of little cause for concern, it is imperative to contact a doctor or midwife if any pregnant woman experiences bleeding from the vagina, as this may be an indication of a more serious issue.8

The female condom, like the male condom, is a barrier method of contraception. When worn during sex, the female condom lines the entire interior of the vagina, preventing semen from entering the uterus and fertilizing an egg. By shielding the walls of the vagina or anus from semen and other bodily fluids, the female condom also helps to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). According to the United States National Library of Medicine, the female condom is about 75%-82% effective in preventing pregnancy with typical use. Female condoms are a safe, convenient, and effective alternative to other methods of birth control. For more information regarding use of female condoms, read this article!
vagina pictures
Some Sample
The vagina is a stretchable muscular cavity lined with mucous membranes in the female reproductive system that extends from the uterus (womb) to the vaginal opening. The cervix of the uterus forms the interior end of the vagina, while the vulva – or the external parts of the female genitalia – and labia (singular: labium) form the exterior end. The vaginal opening may be slightly covered or surrounded by the hymen.1 Externally, the vaginal opening is located between the urethral opening and the anus.
The vagina has several functions. Once a female begins her menstrual cycle, menstrual blood will flow out of the uterus and exit the body through the vagina. During sexual intercourse, the penis penetrates the vagina, and in the course of childbirth, the vagina also serves as a birth canal for the baby. The vagina experiences several transformations during pregnancy and childbirth. The vagina also experiences different changes as a result of age, diet, and activity. Each vagina may vary significantly from person to person. Doctors have described differences in vaginal color as varying from light pink to a deep brownish red-pink hue.2
Generally, the vagina is collapsed and about 3 to 5 inches long in an unaroused female. When the female experiences sexual arousal, the vagina elongates, expands, and becomes lubricated. Sometimes additional lubrication may be needed to increase comfort during sexual activities.
Normally, the vagina is inhabited by large quantities of “friendly” or "healthy" bacteria that convert sugars into lactic acid. This naturally-occurring bacteria makes the vaginal surface mildly acidic in order to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.3
The vagina functions in different ways throughout the menstrual cycle, sexual intercourse, and childbirth.
Secretions and the Menstrual Cycle
Once a female begins puberty, the vagina plays a prominent role in creating a healthy, fertile environment for potential sperm. A healthy, fertile environment is essential for conception because sperm need to survive their passage through the vagina in order to fertilize the ovum (or egg) and cause pregnancy. Due to changes associated with puberty, just before the onset of the female’s first period, the vagina begins continuously producing a discharge (called leukorrhea) that acts primarily as a germ- and pollutant-removing mechanism. Leukorrhea is the byproduct of vaginal cleaning. This discharge varies slightly in texture and color between individuals. Vaginal discharge may appear thicker or stickier depending on the timing of one’s menstrual cycle but usually has a smooth, slightly sticky texture and is a clear or white color.4 Due to this process, the vagina is considered a self-cleaning cavity because it ensures that no bacteria or other harmful substances enter it.
There are multiple types of discharge. When a woman becomes sexually aroused, a clear and slippery discharge is produced. In the lubricating process known as vaginal transudation, this moist, slippery discharge seeps through the vaginal walls to serve as a natural lubricant.5
Before and during ovulation, the cervix naturally produces mucus as the result of hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle. The quantity and quality of this vaginal discharge fluctuates in accordance with the individual’s fertile days.6 When the body is not approaching or undergoing ovulation, cervical mucus functions as a barrier which prevents sperm from entering the uterus, since pregnancy cannot occur without ovulation.7 As one approaches ovulation, increased estrogen levels cause the cervix to produce additional cervical mucus which makes it easier for sperm to reach the egg.6 On the most fertile days, cervical mucus is typically very stretchy and clear. This increased cervical mucus secreted on fertile days protects and helps sperm travel to the ovum.7
Cervical mucus can be monitored as a natural method of contraception or for an increased likelihood of conception. The cervical mucus method of fertility awareness involves charting any changes in cervical mucus over a 28-day cycle. Although fertility cycles may vary from person to person, a typical fertility cycle tends to occur in the following pattern:
- Days 1-5: Menstrual blood exits the body as menstruation occurs
- Days 6-9: Vagina remains dry; cervix produces little to no mucus
- Days 10-12: Cervical mucus appears sticky and thick; mucus gradually becomes thinner and whiter
Days 13-15: Cervical mucus appears thin, slippery, and clear or off-white; highest potential for fertility occurs during Days 13-15
- Days 16-21: Cervical mucus returns to sticky, thick state
- Days 22-28: Vagina becomes dry7
For more information regarding the cervical mucus method, read article about fertility awareness!
Secretions during Pregnancy
Many pregnant women will experience a “pregnancy discharge” or an increased appearance of vaginal discharge while pregnant. Increased vaginal discharge occurs naturally in pregnant women, but should be monitored and reported to a doctor if any unusual smells or appearances develop and/or if one begins to experience pain, itching, or soreness in the vaginal area.

Secretions after Childbirth
Immediately after childbirth, the new mother will encounter some vaginal bleeding as her body works to shed the complete uterine lining created by the pregnancy. For approximately six weeks after childbirth, new mothers will experience a postpartum vaginal discharge known as lochia, which contains mucus, blood, and uterine tissue. This process of bleeding for about six weeks is known as a “postpartum period.” Lochia discharge often resembles a clear to creamy white color.9
Typically, most females will not begin menstruating until approximately six to eight weeks after childbirth, or the length of the postpartum period. This time range varies greatly depending on each mother’s schedule for breastfeeding. Females who breastfeed after giving birth tend to experience a lack of periods due to changes in the body’s hormones. As the hormone prolactin functions to produce breast milk in new mothers, it can also prevent menstruation and ovulation by suppressing the body’s reproductive hormones. While most non-breastfeeding females’ periods will return within six to eight weeks, some females may not experience a menstrual period the entire length of time spent breastfeeding. However, some women may have their periods return after a few months following childbirth, regardless of breastfeeding practices.9
The first period after childbirth differs significantly from periods encountered before the pregnancy occurred. Some of the differences in menstruation that females may experience after giving birth include the following:
- Experiencing cramps that are either stronger or lighter in intensity than normal
- Observing the presence of small blood clots
- Undergoing a heavier flow than in previous menstrual cycles
- Noticing an irregular menstrual flow that appears to start and stop unusually
As one’s menstrual cycle continues, the occurrence of these differences will likely decline.9
Sexual Activity
During sexual intercourse, the vagina functions as a passageway for the penis and plays a significant role in sperm transportation. Upon sexual arousal in the female, the vaginal walls prepare for entrance of the penis by secreting lubrication, lengthening, and expanding. The amount of time spent on foreplay changes both the lubrication level and the shape of female’s vagina. If a female is not properly and completely aroused, the female will not have a lot of natural lubrication, which will make their partner feel more friction that could end up causing them to feel pain. Most of the time, the vagina lies flat, but when a female is aroused, the vagina lengthens and the inner two-thirds expand in a process called “tenting.” The biological function of this action is to create a receptacle for semen. When a female is properly aroused, the factors mentioned above may combine to make it feel as if their vagina is “looser,” but it should not be a concern as this is their body’s natural reaction to ensure that the sex is pleasurable and comfortable for them. Also, if a female has not had sex in a while, the muscles in their vagina will become used to being closed, causing their vagina to feel a little tighter than normal during the first occurrence of sex after a break.
Lubrication can make coitus easier and more pleasurable for both partners; it also has a near-neutral pH which creates a more fertile environment for sperm than does the naturally acidic state of the vagina. As a result of vasocongestion during sexual arousal, the color of the vagina usually shifts from a pink hue to a color closer to purple. The vagina can both expand and tightly contract around the penis to increase stimulation and achieve sexual satisfaction.3
In terms of sexual pleasure and sensitivity, the vagina contains significantly fewer nerve endings than the clitoris because the vagina is more biologically functional for reproduction than erotic pleasure. Therefore, a female’s ability to receive an orgasm purely from vaginal penetration is often hindered.10 Penile-vaginal intercourse alone can feel extremely pleasurable, but incorporating clitoral stimulation and foreplay can help increase sexual satisfaction for both the female and the male. For additional information regarding solutions for female orgasmic difficulties,
Although research regarding the orgasmic power of the Gräfenberg spot (or G-spot) remains debatable, stimulation of the G-spot on the anterior (or front) wall of the vagina may lead to an orgasm in some women. The G-spot is an area of heightened sensitivity that is typically located about one to two inches away from the vaginal opening.3 However, the existence of an exact anatomical location of the G-spot remains controversial among researchers.11 When unstimulated, the G-spot is generally small and flaccid, approximately the size of a bean. When a woman is aroused, however, this area becomes more pronounced: It swells and may more feel more like a ridge than does the surrounding tissue in the vagina. Stimulation of the G-spot does not result in orgasm for all women and may actually trigger the urge to urinate. If stimulation continues after the sensation to urinate is triggered, one may experience an orgasm which can be categorized as a different quality than an orgasm produced through clitoral stimulation alone.3
The vagina also functions as a pathway for newborn babies to exit the womb. The vagina experiences several major changes around and after childbirth. Although every delivery varies, common changes in pregnant females who are about to give birth include pre-labor contractions, ruptured membranes (or one’s water breaking), and “pregnancy discharge” due to the repositioning of the fetus. Although pre-labor contractions usually include some pain, some females do not actually feel their pre-labor contractions because they are completely painless. As pregnant females approach delivery, pre-labor contractions naturally occur at regular intervals to push the baby out of the womb and through the vagina. These contractions gradually increase in duration, frequency, and intensity as the soon-to-be-mother gets closer to childbirth.3 True labor is typically associated with an hour-long period of contractions that each last for one minute in duration and occur every five minutes. For more information about “false labor” or Braxton-Hicks contractions,

When the uterine contractions begin, the cervical canal starts to open until the cervix expands to 10 centimeters in diameter.13 Therefore, the fetus can no longer be supported by the cervix and it begins to move from the uterus to the vagina. The elastic capabilities of the vagina allow it to stretch wide enough for the baby to exit the female’s body.12 However, despite the flexibility of the vagina, an excessively forceful or rapidly-occurring delivery may cause some vaginal tissues and/or the perineum to tear during childbirth. As the vaginal walls and perineum expand to the point of tearing, the mother may feel tremendous pressure and a burning sensation around the skin being stretched by the baby’s head.13 In some cases, the perineum may be cut by a doctor in a procedure known as an episiotomy in order to provide a wider opening for vaginal delivery and to avoid potential tearing.8 Most new mothers recover from these tears and incisions without complications, although the use of stitches may cause discomfort and some difficulty during urination.13
It is common for females to undergo several natural changes to the vagina after giving birth. Although changes vary from person to person, many females experience feeling a wider or looser vagina after childbirth. Typically, the shape of the vagina will remain wider after childbirth than it was before having a child. Consequently, many females undergo urinary incontinence, or the inability to control urine leakage, after giving birth. Additionally, the vagina may also appear bruised or swollen for a few days following the birth. If an episiotomy was needed, the new mother may also experience soreness and pain around the vaginal area immediately after childbirth as a result of stitches in the perineum. Due to hormones associated with breastfeeding, the vagina often feels drier than it did before childbirth, increasing the likelihood that the female will experience pain during sex. Although lubrication may be necessary to improve sexual comfort in these situations, the dryness usually subsides after breastfeeding has ended and menstrual periods have returned.14
Improving Vaginal Muscles
Kegel Exercises
A great method females can use to increase the strength of their vaginal muscles (and in turn, the tightness of their vagina) is engaging in Kegel exercises. Kegel exercises help to increase sexual response and satisfaction by strengthening the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle, which forms the pelvic floor and supports the pelvic organs. New mothers can perform Kegel exercises to tighten the vagina and to decrease urinary incontinence. Just like normal exercise, doing this often will strengthen a woman’s PC muscle. Anyone can practice Kegel exercises discretely almost anytime and anywhere (e.g., in their car, in their living room, etc.). Strengthening this muscle will add to the overall tightness of the vagina and also give one stronger contractions during orgasm, which will make orgasms feel more powerful. For more information on how to locate and exercise the PC muscle
Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure meant to tighten the female pelvic floor muscles surrounding the vagina. The goal of the procedure is to give a female better strength or control of these muscles, which can lead to greater satisfaction for both the female and her partner during sexual intercourse. The procedure was originally intended to fix genetic vaginal deformations or repair vaginal stretches and tears that are often the result of childbirth. Now, many women are also choosing to have the surgery for aesthetic reasons. For more information about the pros and cons of getting a vaginoplasty
Genital Self-Exam
Performing regular genital exams can help you better understand your body and learn what is normal for it. These exams can show you the physical changes that occur throughout the menstrual cycle. Regular self-exams are important because they increase the likelihood of discovering physical changes and abnormalities. This is important so that any changes can be discussed with a physician in a timely manner. Remember, the earlier a problem is detected and treated, the more likely it can be successfully controlled or cured. Female genital self-exams are key to early detection. However, self-exams should not replace annual pelvic exams performed by your gynecologist. These annual exams include Pap smears and other diagnostic tests designed to detect microscopic changes that cannot be found through self-examination. For a step-by-step guide on examining the vagina,
Douching is the act of forcing water or some solution into the vagina with the purpose of cleaning it. It is usually done with plain water or some combination of water and vinegar, baking soda, or iodine. Douching may involve either rinsing or forcing the liquid at a high pressure into the vagina using a douche device. However, the vulva is naturally self-cleaning, so douching and using feminine deodorants is completely unnecessary. In fact, douching on a regular basis can upset the natural balance of bacteria found in the vagina and can lead to an increased risk of vaginitis. To keep your vulva healthy, simply eat healthy, exercise on a regular basis, wash it consistently with gentle soap and water, and wipe from front to back after going to the bathroom. If you wipe from back to front, you may accidentally infect the vagina with bacteria from the anus. For more information regarding cleaning the vagina, read this article on douching!
Female Condoms

Vaginal Rings
The vaginal ring, most commonly known as the NuvaRing®, is a soft, flexible ring inserted into the vagina once a month for three weeks. The ring is a reversible form of birth control that steadily releases both estrogen and progestin hormones, similar to the combination pill. The vaginal ring prevents pregnancy but does not protect against sexually transmitted infections, so it should be used with a latex or female condom. The vaginal ring has very low failure rate. In studies, it has proven to be 99% effective, which is about the same as the birth control pill. The vaginal ring is convenient since it only requires insertion and removal every month. The vaginal ring contains fewer hormones than the average hormonal pill. For more information about the advantages and disadvantages of vaginal rings.
Intrauterine Device (IUD)
Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are plastic T-shaped objects that are inserted through the vagina and placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. IUDs are used for long-term, reversible contraception. There are two major types of IUDs: the copper IUD (marketed as Paragard) and the hormone-releasing IUD (marketed as Skyla, Mirena and Liletta in the United States). The copper IUD has a typical-use effectiveness of 99.2% (8 out of 1000 females will become pregnant in a given year). The hormonal IUD has a typical-use effectiveness of 99.9% (only 1 out of 1000 females will become pregnant in a given year), making it even more effective at preventing pregnancies than female sterilization (99.5% effective). The copper IUD can also be used as a form of emergency contraception if inserted within 5 days of unprotected sex. Since it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), the IUD should be used with a male or female condom. For more information on the advantages and disadvantages of IUDs
Medical Conditions
There are numerous medical conditions associated with the vagina. Several of the possible conditions that can affect the vagina are listed below.
- Chlamydia: Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, a bacterium that infects and lives within human cells. Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections in the world, infecting approximately 4 to 8 million new individuals each year. Although chlamydia is spread primarily through sexual contact, it can also be spread from the genitals to the eyes by finger contact. Chlamydia infecting the eye, known as chlamydia conjunctivitis or trachoma, is one of the most common causes of blindness in the world. Symptoms of chlamydia in females may include spotting; abnormal or smelly vaginal discharge; and pain, itching, or burning around the vagina, especially during urination or sexual intercourse. However, many females infected with chlamydia do not experience noticeable symptoms.1 Chlamydia is easily and effectively cured by antibiotics; however, if left untreated chlamydia infections can result in serious reproductive damage as well as a number of other health problems including short and long-term consequences. Some consequences of untreated chlamydia in women include Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), infertility, ectopic pregnancies, and premature births.1 Therefore, if you are sexually active, the only way to truly know if you have contracted any STIs is to contact your healthcare provider and get tested!
- Genital Warts: Genital warts are caused by a sexually transmitted infection known as the human papillomavirus (HPV). Genital warts are transmitted easily by sexual contact, including oral, penile-vaginal (coital), and anal sex. HPV infection is the most common STI in North America and may cause cervical, penile, and anal cancer. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that at least 50% of sexually active individuals will contract a genital HPV infection at some time in their lives. Genital warts can appear in females on the vulva, vagina, cervix, and anus several weeks to months after a sexual encounter with an infected partner. Many females infected by genital HPV may experience no symptoms, as the genital warts may or may not be visible. Although the HPV virus is untreatable, the infection typically disappears from the body by itself.1
- Gonorrhea: Gonorrhea, sometimes referred to as "the clap," is a sexually transmitted infection that can be spread to both males and females. It is a bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, or simply gonococcus. It is transmitted through any kind of unprotected penile-vaginal, oral-genital, oral-anal, and genital-anal contact with an infected individual. Therefore, any sexually active person is at risk for contracting gonorrhea. The bacteria can be spread even without penetration or ejaculation. Infants can contract gonorrhea from an infected mother during childbirth. Gonorrhea is a very common infection: The CDC estimates that in the United States about 820,000 people contract gonorrhea infections each year, though less than half of these new infections are detected. Women are usually asymptomatic, about 80% of women who are infected do not notice any symptoms. When symptoms do appear, women usually experience itching, dysuria (burning during urination), increased vaginal discharge (especially yellow or green in color), and/or vaginal bleeding. While these symptoms are irritating and concerning, they are often mistaken for signs of other health problems such as bladder or vaginal infections. Sometimes, women with gonorrhea may also have trichomoniasis, which can mask the presence of gonorrhea, making it difficult to detect. If left untreated, gonorrhea can lead to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) in females or, less commonly, to disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI) in both sexes.
- Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV): The herpes simplex virus is a viral infection that can affect the vulva, vagina, cervix, and anal area in females. There are two types of HSV. Herpes Type I is most commonly found above the waist, in the mouth, nose, and eyes, though it can be spread to the genitals via oral sex. Herpes Type II is most commonly located below the waist-on the genitals, thighs, and buttocks- but can be spread to the mouth via oral sex. Although genital herpes are commonly caused by HSV Type II, recent evidence shows that HSV Type I is also increasingly causing genital herpes. While it is common to experience no noticeable symptoms, possible symptoms of HSV may include tiny blisters, painful lesions, and fever. Persons infected with HSV are at an increased risk of acquiring HIV.1 There is currently no cure to completely eliminate both HSV-1 and HSV-2, but there are treatments used to alleviate symptoms.
- Vaginal Cancer: Cancer is defined as the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Vaginal cancer is extremely uncommon. Risk factors of vaginal cancer include old age, HPV infection, history of cancer, and having a hysterectomy. Several treatment options are available for females with vaginal cancer. The most common treatment used for vaginal cancer is through surgical removal of the tutor. Vaginal cancer may be recurrent in some individuals. In these cases, the female is often given treatment typically used for cervical cancer, as treatment for recurrent vaginal cancer does not exist.1
- Vaginismus: Vaginismus is medically defined as involuntary spasms of the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles, the muscles which surround the vaginal canal. Vaginismus is a physical disorder that can stem from psychological or physiological factors. On average, one in every 500 women will experience vaginismus. However, the true number of females with vaginismus is estimated to be higher because many females never report their condition or seek medical care due to fear or lack of knowledge. Females with vaginismus report an increase in vaginal tightness prior to or during penetration. This may include an instance that is sexual, such as intercourse, or even non sexual, such as inserting a tampon or a speculum during a pelvic exam. This tightness can make penetration extremely painful, and in extreme cases, impossible. Treatment for vaginismus can include physical treatments such as Kegel exercises and vaginal dilators, and/or medical treatments such as Botox injections. It is imperative to seek medical help in order to properly treat vaginismus.
- Vaginitis: Vaginitis is the broad term for inflammation or infection of the vagina. There are many types of vaginitis; each of which is characterized by different causes and symptoms. Symptoms of vaginitis include vaginal itching and irritation, painful urination, pain during intercourse, light vaginal bleeding or spotting, and vaginal discharge that has a foul smell or strange color. These symptoms are characteristic of most vaginal infections and may vary or not occur at all depending on the type of infection present. The different types of vaginitis include:
- Bacterial Vaginosis: Bacterial vaginosis is an infection within the vagina due to an imbalance of healthy bacteria. Females with bacterial vaginosis typically have a decreased amount of healthy bacteria and an excessive amount of unhealthy bacteria. Douching, sex with a new partner, and sex with multiple partners can all disrupt the process of vaginal self-cleaning, leading to an imbalance of vaginal bacteria. Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include foul-smelling vaginal discharge and discharge that appears gray or yellow. Typically, bacterial vaginosis is a mild infection that does not lead to other health problems unless the female is pregnant, has recently received a pelvic procedure, or has been exposed to an STI. Although symptoms of bacterial vaginosis usually disappear within a few days, it is best to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment.1
- Yeast Infections: Yeast infections are also known as genital/vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC). The fungal yeast Candida is found in small quantities all over the body. When there is an overgrowth of Candida in the vulva, candidiasis occurs. This overgrowth can result from a hormonal imbalance or a change in the pH of the vagina. Symptoms usually include the burning, itching, or pain typical of other vaginal infections, as well as a thick, white, cottage cheese-like discharge. This type of infection is very common in both females who are sexually active and in females who are not sexually active. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that about 75% of women have had a yeast infection in their lifetime. A female is at a higher risk for contraction if she has a weak immune system. Candidiasis is common in pregnant women because of the hormonal changes that a woman’s body undergoes when carrying a child. Vaginal yeast infections are easily treatable through antifungal medications such as prescription pills or cream.15
- Trichomoniasis: Trichomoniasis is an infection of the vagina that affects roughly 5 million males and females each year. Trichomoniasis is one of the most common, curable causes of vaginal infection. Trichomoniasis is spread through sexual contact. The vulva, vagina, and urethra are the most common sites of infection in females. Trichomoniasis is often asymptomatic, meaning the disease shows no signs of being present. However, in cases where symptoms do arise, symptoms typically do not appear for several weeks after exposure to the infection. Females who eventually show symptoms may not show any for up to six months! Symptoms in females may include foul-smelling vaginal discharge that often appears green in color, dysuria (pain during urination), itching, spotting, and pain around genitals or abdomen. Trichomoniasis is easily curable. However, if left untreated, the infection can cause several complications in pregnant women including early delivery. Women infected with trichomoniasis have an increased risk of contracting the HIV infection.1
- Noninfectious Vaginitis: Inflammation of the vagina is not always a result of infection. Some females may experience burning, itching, and unusual discharge without the presence of an infection. Typically, noninfectious vaginitis occurs as an allergic reaction to douching or using vaginal sprays, scented soaps, detergents, and spermicides that can cause irritation of the vagina or vulva. Post-menopausal females or females who have had their ovaries or uterus removed sometimes experience vaginal atrophy, or the thinning of the vaginal walls that is caused by hormonal changes. Noninfectious vaginitis is treated by diagnosing and avoiding the cause of inflammation. If hormonal changes are responsible for the inflammation, estrogen pills can be prescribed by a doctor to alleviate symptoms.16
- Bacterial Vaginosis: Bacterial vaginosis is an infection within the vagina due to an imbalance of healthy bacteria. Females with bacterial vaginosis typically have a decreased amount of healthy bacteria and an excessive amount of unhealthy bacteria. Douching, sex with a new partner, and sex with multiple partners can all disrupt the process of vaginal self-cleaning, leading to an imbalance of vaginal bacteria. Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include foul-smelling vaginal discharge and discharge that appears gray or yellow. Typically, bacterial vaginosis is a mild infection that does not lead to other health problems unless the female is pregnant, has recently received a pelvic procedure, or has been exposed to an STI. Although symptoms of bacterial vaginosis usually disappear within a few days, it is best to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment.1
The incredible amount of information associated with the vagina can be intimidating to some, but it is very important to be familiar with this organ. Although many variations can occur from female to female, the vagina naturally experiences numerous changes throughout one's lifetime. Performing genital self-examinations regularly not only increases one's chances of finding irregularities, but it can help one become more comfortable with their body. Overall, while the vagina is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, it should be properly cared for with healthy eating, regular exercise, and consistent cleaning with soap and water